CNN and other liberal outlets are doing their best to CREATE a recession. Democrats NEED a recession to buttress their claims that we are in a "bad economy" while at the same time business is booming since the tax cuts (something they will NEVER admit are the result of those tax cuts). Personally, I think the economy strength created by the tax cuts is so strong it will be almost impossible for them to "talk us" into a recession. Hitler's PR man said, "Tell a lie, make it big, and repeat it every day to anyone who will listen. Soon, people will come to believe it so strongly they will fight you if you deny it, even with proof" (This is not verbatim, but carries his meaning). (News Busters, 11/29/07)
Not to prop up the liberals, but I think we can discount this post as it's obvious we were heading into a recession and are in one even now...
You're right. We ARE in a recession, and it IS of the liberals' making. And that does NOT "discount" this post. It only proves its truth.
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