Monday, January 13, 2020

Pre-Existing Conditions

Dumocrat politicians are in the process of demonizing people who don’t like the idea of say, being diagnosed with a serious and expensive illness like cancer, THEN buying health insurance. That turns it into WELFARE, not insurance. That is a socialist scheme, something that, if you agree with, is a “gateway” to full-blown socialism, just as pot is a “Gateway” to more serious drug use. It is WRONG, and depends, like all socialism, on TAKING money from those who EARN it for the benefit of those who do NOT. That is the basic definition of socialism. Socialism is just one form of collectivism. Others are communism, which has already failed in many places, progressivism, which is what Dumocrats call it here, and Fascism, which was mostly defeated when Mussolini was killed in WWII. Collectivism is an evil scam to gain power over as many people as possible because, if you’re paying for things (government), you get to make the rules. Lenin used it to take over the government in Russia which, I admit, had a despot before him. They just traded one despot for another, which led to millions of people being murdered by the state. Socialism is even now in the process of collapsing in Venezuela, where people are eating dog food because they can’t get anything else, and there is no toilet paper on store shelves, so many trees have been stripped of their leaves to substitute. People are starving, and resorting to eating their animals. This is the end result of collectivism in all its forms. Death and destruction. I see collectivism coming, in a wave. Which is why I’m glad I won’t be around much longer and will miss most of it as we go the same route as Russia and Venezuela did. (Just common sense)

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