Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Democrats Frighten Me

And I’m mostly not afraid of anything. If you listen to the current crop of Dumocrats running for president, you’d think they figure they’re running for DICTATOR. They all want to BAN this, ban that, and ban the other thing if they get elected. At least one has promised to ELIMINATE a necessary industry (the coal industry) and put thousands of people out of work because of an IMAGINARY thing they call global warming/climate change, which is based on the silly idea that MAN can actually affect the CLIMATE, and thus can “make it all better” if we just give them more money. They’ve gotten to the point in their support of this con that they now want to make laws making being a “climate denier” a punishable crime, since they can’t answer the logical arguments against it and want them to go away.

And they promise all kinds of giveaway programs, supported by TAKING money from those who can, and will EARN it, and GIVING it, in one way or another, to those who don’t. Some want to give free college tuition, not paid for by them, but paid for by YOU, if you work and earn money. The actual cost for just ONE of these programs is IMMENSE, but they don’t want to talk about that. One said, in answer to a question about how she would pay for what she promised, said, “There’s always money.” One father, who PAID for his daughter’s college, asked her if he would get his money back. She had no answer. They’re ALL socialists, which is a system BASED on THEFT of money from those who EARN their way for the benefit of those who want to live at the expense of somebody else. It’s not THEIR money they’re giving away, it’s YOURS. And they promise to make laws FORCING you to pay for it all. (Just common sense)

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