Thursday, January 2, 2020

Not Trump's Benghazi

The left is trying their best to make the embassy attack in Iraq into “Trump’s Benghazi,” without success. Why? Because trump did not react by ignoring it and refusing to send help. Or by LYING about the cause of the attack. He did what a true leader would do. He sent in the Marines, who quickly stopped the attack. As soon as the Marines arrived, the attack ended, the attackers withdrew, and peace returned. that’s the difference between a real leader and a pretend leader, as Obama was. Obama wouldn’t even admit there WAS an Islamic terrorist danger. He did as LITTLE as possible to fight Islamic terrorism. He even had the leader of this attack as his guest in the white House once. I think he is a SYMPATHIZER to Islamic terrorism. His very actions toward Islamic terrorism speaks volumes on that score. And the left is right with him, in that they minimized the effect of Islamic terrorism as much as they could, and mocked Trump’s efforts as much as possible. But Trump has shown what a true leader will do when attacked, and those attackers, and their leaders, will PAY. Count on it.(Clash Daily)

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