Friday, January 24, 2020

Just Make It Up

If the law doesn’t agree with what you’re trying to do, just misdirect the citizens by lying to them. That’s what Dumocrat presidential candidate Pete, Buttigieg is doing to the Second amendment, and it’s working with some of the people who think he should end up at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., in DC, because they’re ignorant, and he wants to keep them that way. He is now telling them that his anti-gun fool proposals all “are compatible” with the Second Amendment. Nothing could be further from the truth. He wants all of Bloomberg’s atrocities, plus he wants to ban completely what he calls “weapons of war” like the AR-15, because such weapons “have no business in our neighborhoods.” Why then, are there so many of them that were sold ILLEGALLY, already in our neighborhoods? When a law-abiding citizen is faced with an AR-15, he needs an AR-15 or something like it, to have “parity” with the illegal armament in the hands of the bad guys. But that’s an aside. His proposals are NOT “compatible with the Second Amendment. The Second says, “[T]he right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall NOT BE INFRINGED,” (Emphasis mine -RT) and every law he proposes IS an “infringement” on that right. (Breitbart)

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