Monday, January 27, 2020

"Facts Don't Matter"

That’s what House Majority Leader Nancy Peelosi said about impeaching President Trump. “The thing that matters is the accusation!” That this turns one of our most cherished concepts on its head doesn’t seem to occur to her, or even bother her. That concept it that a defendant is innocent until PROVEN guilty. She says, “The only important thing is the accusation. We don’t have to prove he did bad things, he has to prove he did not.” What that means is Trump must prove a negative, which cannot be done. They’ve turned jurisprudence on its head with this. Even a murderer is afforded the assumption of innocence until the prosecutor comes up with EVIDENCE of his guilt. The whole idea that the ACCUSATION is more important than the facts is ludicrous. Trump’s daughter famously ignored CNN reporter Jim Acosta the other day when he tried to ask her how she felt about being the daughter of an impeached president. An obviously incendiary question. Instead of giving him the cold shoulder, she should have asked him if he ever stopped beating his wife. Then he would have to convince people he never did. Sauce for the goose, and all that. (Just common sense)

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