Monday, October 23, 2017

Supporting Infanticide

People accused returning Viet Nam vets of being "baby killers," and now THEY are the baby killers. For real. MILLIONS of babies have been MURDERED, in the womb, and sometimes out of it, for the CONVENIENCE of the parents, who just don't want to take responsibility for the raising of the result of their unprotected sex. They can't be bothered with using protection, so they just murder the result. I never thought an entire political party (Dumocrats) would SUPPORT the murder of defenseless babies. But that's what we have today, and I'm sick of their stupid excuses for supporting it. They CLAIM abortion is "a woman's right to choose what happens to her own body." Which is FALSE. If it were, prostitution would be legal, which it isn't. What it is, is claiming the right to KILL their child because they can't be bothered to raise it. Any politician who supports abortion should be removed from office, sooner, rather than later, by whatever means necessary, because they're stupid. And those who perform abortions should be imprisoned, maybe even executed for murder. (Just common sense)

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