Thursday, October 26, 2017

Disarming Yourself

It's not self defense to disarm yourself. It's stupidity. You cannot defend yourself against all the millions of ILLEGAL guns out there in the hands of criminals and other malcontents. The anti-gun fools are just LAZY to target GUNS, instead of the activity that ENGENDERS shootings. Gang members, for instance, are usually too young to be able to buy a gun legally, yet they have them, illegally, and they use them on one another AND innocent people, either on purpose, or by accident. My thesis is PROVEN in Chicago, where they have some of the tightest gun laws in the land, coupled with the highest gun deaths in the land, proving that gun laws NEVER work, and to continue passing them shows complete IGNORANCE on the part of the lawmakers. Anti-gun fools really think that the avenue to self defense is to take away guns from law-abiding people, leaving them to be "sitting ducks" for those who don't obey their laws. It's the same kind of thinking that led to "disarmament treaties" that rogue countries willingly signed, then violated, while knowing America will abide by them and thus weaken itself. The same thing is true of the individual, who makes himself DEFENSELESS by disarming himself, letting the lawbreakers have "free rein" to victimize him. (Just common sense)

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