Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Don't Understand Economics

The Dumocrats just do not understand economics, and the positions they are in should REQUIRE such understanding. They just can't conceive of the idea that tax CUTS tend to INCREASE the "tax take" because such cuts create an INCENTIVE for people who get to keep more of their money to INVEST that money in job and commerce-creating activities, thereby creating more taxable income. That's simple economics, and if I can understand it, when my eyes glaze over at the word economics, they ought to be able to do so. But they can't, and they keep making incentive killing tax laws. For instance, with the corporate taxes in America being the highest in the world, all other countries need to do is offer lower tax rates to get companies to move their operations OUT of America. It's a fact that if you want to PROMOTE an activity, lower its taxes. If you want to inhibit it, raise its taxes. Intelligent people know that. They don't. (Just common sense)

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