Monday, September 29, 2014

"Voter Fraud Doesn't Exist?"

Gimme a BREAK! Why then, was a Democrat candidate recently arrested for it? “Democrats and the dominant media assure us that vote fraud doesn’t exist, so we certainly don’t need voter ID, and in fact it would be racist to demand as much proof of identity as is necessary to board an airplane or buy a drink. Nevertheless, a Democrat state representative in Connecticut was arrested for allegedly voting 19 times.” That Democrat, Christina (“Tita”) Alaya, (D-Bridgeport) was arrested on 19 charges of voter fraud. If every Democrat did that, they’d win EVERY election. Maybe they do, and that’s why they win so many. Don’t look for much coverage of this in the liberal media, because they don’t think DEMOCRAT voter fraud is “newsworthy.” And to report it would violate their preconceived notions. Remember that other Democrat woman who BRAGGED that she had voted many times? That didn’t get much coverage, either. They can claim voter fraud doesn’t exist because there isn’t any way to uncover most of it, and Democrats are in the forefront of OPPOSITION  to any being put in place because that’s probably (??) how they win most of their elections. (American Thinker)

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