Monday, September 8, 2014

"Demonizing" Themselves

An MSNBC guest is “concerned” about “demonizing” ISIS. I don’t know what this woman has been smoking, but it’s NOT “WE” who are “demonizing” ISIS. It is ISIS itself that is “demonizing” ISIS by beheading journalists AND little girls in pretty dresses, sometimes right in front of their parents, then killing the parents, too—simply because they refuse to convert to Islam. By killing innocent people by the THOUSANDS every day for the same reason. People who think it is “WE” who are “demonizing” ISIS are addled. Does MSNBC actually go out and “hunt down” such people to make these STUPID points, or are they just so easily available that they have no trouble finding them? I don’t understand the thinking (if any) of these people. They’re the same people who think you can defend yourself by DISARMING yourself. Their thinking is just not logical, but you’ll never convince them of that. Stupid people have no idea they ARE stupid, and they think they’re the smartest people around. (Patriot Action Network)

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