Tuesday, September 30, 2014

"Armed" Fence-Jumper

The more time passes, the more they describe the latest “fence-jumper” at the White House as a danger, which he was not. He carried a knife with a three-inch blade, probably very similar to the one I carry to cut my food in case I’m in a restaurant that only provides tiny plastic knives, or no knives, at all. But the big problem is not whether or not he was a danger to Obama, who had already left, but how far he got before the incompetent Secret Service caught up to him. Word now is that he made it almost all the way to the president’s residence before they “got him.” He is an ex-military man whose mind has been BLOWN by his experiences. He needs HELP, not imprisonment, but they mean to have him punished severely, for making them look foolish. Truth is, HE didn’t make them look foolish; they did a pretty good job of that, themselves. It’s a good thing he didn’t have an AR-15. There might have been a bad situation if he did, and was bent on doing damage, word is, he just wanted to TALK to Obama. I’d say the head of the Secret Service won’t be around long. Unless Obama is afraid to fire her because she’s a woman. (The Blaze)

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