Sunday, September 28, 2014

Muslims the Vicrims In OK?

Wow! It amazes me the methods Muslims use to twist things in their favor, and I predict that OBAMA will lap it up like a puppy at suppertime. Now they’re moaning that by beheading a woman he couldn’t get to convert to Islam, he made it harder for Muslims to live in America; and he’s right. But that was NOT his intent. His intent was to PROMOTE Islam in America. That is not in question to intelligent people. The problem is, there are way too many UN-intelligent people in the US. They pay no attention to politics, and if they do read the newspapers at all, they only read the headlines—and this plays right into the hands of people who push such lies. The point is, whatever the Muslims say, the TRUTH is, he beheaded her because he couldn’t convert her, and that’s what Islamic terrorists WANT to happen in America. Such things help in the “terrorizing” of America (they think), and that’s what they’re after, no matter how much they whine about it making things harder on “peaceful Muslims.” In reality (which they can't understand) it just strengthens our backbones. Not like in other countries used to being terrorized, (American Thinker)

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