Saturday, September 27, 2014

"Holder Wasn't Political"

“He was not political at all,” say the DOLTS who support him. What have they been smoking? On what planet have they been living? I don’t think there has BEEN a more political attorney General than Eric Holder—ever. And the fools who say otherwise are monumental fools. It amazes me that there are so many people in DC who are so monumentally STUPID. But that’s to be expected when a serial CRIMINAL appoints them and they have to be stupid to support his policies. This “non-political AG” recently called us “a nation of cowards” when it’s HOLDER who is the coward. He was judged to be in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over papers regarding “Fast & Furious,” Obama’s “gun-running” scheme to Mexican drug cartels, and who called all criticism of himself and Obama “racially motivated.” The man who REFUSED to prosecute two black men who stood in front of a polling place and intimidated voters into voting for Obama because "they're my people."  If that’s not political, I don’t know what is. (Media Research Center)

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