Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I Thought I'd Seen It All

Every time I think I’ve seen the worst that Islamic radicals can do, they do something worse. When I saw the picture of that headless little girl wearing a pretty dress, I thought it was the worst thing I would ever see. Then I found out Boko Haram (another of the many Islamic terrorist organizations) strap bombs to ten-year-old girls and send them out to blow themselves and others up without even knowing what they’re doing, much less understand it. This bandit outfit, which is best known for kidnapping hundreds of women and girls and selling them into asexual slavery isn’t even the worst Islamic terrorist outfit there is, ISIS daily outdoes them in its fifth century abominations. And Obama still insists Islamic terrorism is NOT a major problem for the U. S., while it rapes, beheads, and murders its way across country after country, claiming to be the religion it is NOT. This article says numerous little girls have “blown themselves up,” but I don’t think so. I think they had their explosives strapped to them with the controls in the hands or their “handlers,” who did the “blowing up.” (LibertyAlliance)

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