Sunday, September 7, 2014

Cop Texts While Driving

Cops tell you that texting while driving is unsafe and never to do it. But they do it all the time, and tell us “it’s okay, since we’re conducting official business.” IS it okay to do it for “official business? Not a chance. Dangerous is dangerous, no matter who is doing it. So a cop in LA county struck and KILLED a motorcyclist while answering an e-mail while driving and the DA decided he “didn’t do anything wrong, since he was responding to an ‘official business’ e-mail. The motorcyclist and his family would probably not agree, and neither would I. Dangerous activity is dangerous whoever does it, and for whatever reason. If I did it, it wouldn’t matter how much “official business” I was conducting, I’d go to prison. I guess cops can literally get away with MURDER these days. Depends on how liberal the DA is. (Last Resistance)

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