Monday, September 15, 2014

"Juiciest Irony Ever!"

Obama ran on an anti-war platform. He called Bush’s war in Iraq a “disaster,” and “unnecessary” since Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. But it DID. It provided a “safe harbor” for terrorists where they could recruit, train, and finance their murder sprees. An airplane fuselage mockup that was used to train terrorists for 9/11. Liberals say we LOST in Iraq, but that’s a typical liberal LIE. We won in Iraq in a week. Our tanks were passing behind Saddam’s PR hack, even as he told the world we were losing. But to liberals, the mere fact that we were a “presence” there said the war was not over. In that case, I guess we never won WWII, either. But now that “reluctant warrior” is finding it necessary to go back into Iraq and put the ISIS down before they gain enough strength to become a real problem. That’s a “juicy irony” as Rush says. When I found out Obama was going back into Iraq, I laughed all the way home. I guess Obama will call me a racist for saying this. The liberals are right. We DID lose in Iraq. But not until Obama told his troops to “cut and run,” leaving the terrorists all that military hardware. We “snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.” And we’re ready to do it again in Afghanistan. (Rush Limbaugh)

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