Thursday, September 25, 2014

Limbaugh Stymied

And so am I. He says it was exciting back when Reagan was elected. It was nice to be part of something good (he equated that to being a Republican). But that it is no more. All we know about Republicans is that they aren’t Obama, though many of them either agree with him or are afraid not to. We have no idea what the Republicans, as a party, stand for. They’re now controlled by hustlers and timid, indecisive candidates that are afraid to say anything controversial. WILL they be able to unseat all (or most of) the Democrats responsible for the malaise we now find ourselves in? I don’t know. They “ran off” Sarah Palin and others who had a chance, aided by the Democrats. We have no idea what they stand for. If they DON’T get the socialist Democrats out of office, we’re LOST. We’ll become the next “Soviet Union.” The worse part of it is, I don’t know if they’re capable of doing so. Nancy Peelosi says if the Republicans win in November, we’re DONE. I think it’s just the other way around. If the DEMOCRATS win in November, we’re LOST; and my days will (as will yours) be numbered, because one of their first actions then will be to put people like me who keep track of their transgressions and tell you about them out of business, one way or the other. They’ll either kill me or put me in prison on some trumped-up charge. (World Net Daily)

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