Monday, November 9, 2020

Stolen Election

If what appears to be happening stands, the Biden campaign has successfully stolen this election. There isn’t a chance in hell that he won this election, if you look at the facts. Fact: He couldn’t draw a crowd. Looking at his “rallies” was embarrassing in the absence of ANY real support at “ground level.” Fact: He mostly refused to answer reporters’ questions, even berating them when they asked a question about his criminal son. He did little campaigning, satisfied to stay home in his basement, rather than get out and actually talk to people. Fact: He had a miserable record of “accomplishments” in his 47 years in government to point to, while Trump has an impressive record of accomplishments in just his first 4 years. Fact: He has promised to create an administration of “same ‘ol same ‘ol,” By appointing the same “old guard” to important positions in his administration. The one that disturbs me the most is his promise to appoint Obama to the next Supreme Court opening. Trump was elected to “drain the swamp,” and he was well on his way to doing that. The Dumbocrats “pulled out all the dirty tricks” to win, including threatening violence if Biden wasn’t elected. I seriously underestimated the Dumbocrat ability to steal elections, and Biden even getting close to being elected is evidence of that ability. All indicators showed clearly that Biden was going to lose, yet there didn’t seem to be any movement in Trump’s favor at any time during the ballot counting, while hundreds of thousands of Biden only “found” votes came in after the polls closed. All in all, a masterpiece in election fraud. (Just common sense)

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