Friday, November 13, 2020

Really No Evidence?

This is what eyewitnesses have SEEN, just in Michigan State: A batch of ballots, 60% with the SAME signature; a bunch of ballots scanned 5 TIMES; 35 Ballots counted that were not connected to a voter record; Saw poll workers marking ballots with NO mark for candidates; one voter said his son was recorded as voting twice; saw provisional ballots being placed in the tabulation box; installed software that purposefully changes thousands of Trump votes to Biden votes—software installed in 47 counties; Republican challengers admitted while Dumbocrats admitted; Republican challengers physically pushed from counting tables by “officials”; Dumbocrats handing out a packet titled, “Tactics to Distract Republican Challengers”; Republican challenges to suspect ballots ignored. And these are just a few instances of blatant voter fraud, by POLL WORKERS in one state! If it is happening here, you can bet it is happening elsewhere. The question is, is it enough to change the results? I say a resounding YES! (Just common sense)

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