Thursday, November 12, 2020

Obama's "Third Term"

If Biden does end up winning, it will be Obama all over again. We will be getting all his old, incompetent cabinet members and other staff members to make all the old, incompetent decisions that sent millions of jobs overseas, caused massive unemployment, high taxes, and misery. The appointments he has already announced scare the hell out of me, and I’m waiting for him to actually appoint Obama to a pivotal post, allowing him to finish the job of destroying this country, that he started in his first administration. What really frightens me is his threat to appoint Obama to the Supreme Court to fill the next vacancy, while expanding the number of justices to make sure it will be Biden’s “rubber stamp court.” It amazes me how Dumbocrats, after seeing the results of their incompetent decisions, insist on making even more, based on the same stupidities. Biden thinks he is the president elect, but it’s only in his imagination. But if he actually does win, we are lost as a free nation and I’m glad I will be soon out of it. I just fear for my son and his progeny in the future. (Just common sense)

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