Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Platitudes and Generalities

Has anybody noticed that Joe Biden’s speeches contain mostly platitudes and generalities? He tells us all about how bad President Trump is without spelling out precisely HOW President trump is bad. Meanwhile he tells us what he’s going to do to “fix” what’s wrong, but without giving us any specifics. Except when he talks about reversing all the good things Trump has done for us. Then he talks about getting rid of Trump’s tax reductions. Then he tells us he’s going to RAISE our taxes, berates reporters who ask him meaningful questions and insults his supporters, telling them NOT to vote for him. Instead of campaigning, he hides in his basement. Any one of these things would KILL most campaigns, but, according to the polls, he still leads Trump in most polls. How is that possible? It’s possible because most of the polls are phony. Skewed to make it LOOK like he’s leading, so as to disillusion Trump voters so they won’t vote. It won’t work, because Trump supporters are stronger than that. They actually have BACKBONE, while liberals don’t understand because they have none. (Just common sense)

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