Tuesday, November 3, 2020

At Gun-Free WalMart

Walmart is well-known to be a “gun-free zone.” They announced long ago that they do not want the law-abiding to bring their guns onto their property, which opens their customers to being shot and killed by law-breakers, who just IGNORE such restrictions—in fact, SEEKING OUT such “gun-free zones,” where they can be pretty sure the law-abiding will not be armed, and able to effectively oppose them. Oklahoma is slowly coming around to the reality that we must allow the law-abiding to be armed, but Walmart is NOT. They maintain this “gun-free zone” policy, in spite of TWO such shootings recently. This one, and the one in El Paso, Texas recently. Such shootings, in “gun-free zones,” are living proof that gun-free zones are a stupid reaction to “gun crime,” and only CONTRIBUTE to it. But the anti-gun fools are “tone deaf” to reality. Somehow, we need to “rein in” the fools who make, and promote such laws because they KILL people in their ignorance. And ALL “gun-free zones” should be eliminated, because they are DEADLY to Americans. (Western Journal)

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