Thursday, November 12, 2020

Democrats Want "Revenge"

For WHAT? For opposing their stupid ideas and voting against their precious old man who can’t remember to zip up after a “nature call?” AOC is trying to gather a “hit list” for use in punishing Republicans. Under what possible law, I wonder. One Dumbocrat wants to put Republicans on the terror watch list, as if being a Republican makes them terrorists. Another wants to do the same to Christians—in a country FOUNDED on Christianity. All this does is shown the incompetence of Dumboctats. They think they’re dictators, with dictatorial powers over anybody who dares to oppose them. My answer to this is “bring it on!” You can take your dictatorial powers and stick them where you sit. Come after me, you’re going to regret it. I have as much right to oppose you as you have to oppose me. But that’s ALL. I can’t punish you for opposing me, and you can’t punish me for opposing you. Anybody who thinks differently needs to be “re-educated” in the realities of life. (Just common sense)

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