Wednesday, November 18, 2020

He Must Be Effective

Tucker Carlson is “under fire” again because he refuses to “toe the liberal line” in his show. Of course, the fact that he is far from being a liberal is lost on the liberals who are pressuring Fox News to fire him, and for his advertisers to abandon him as pressure for them to do that, He must be really hurting them if they are so determined to get him off the air and out of their hair. They finally got rid of the man he replaced, with their usual scam: accusing him of (unprovable) sexual advances, using the fact that his employers “paid off” some women with equally unprovable claims to avoid bad publicity (didn’t work) as “evidence.” So they think they can do that to him, too. Look for the accusations to come. They want him to “back off” and quit exposing all their secrets, but he is not going to. Tucker is fearless, and they don’t know how to handle that. They’ve always been able to bully and intimidate others, but Tucker won’t budge. I hope Fox stays with him. If they don’t, he would be a real loss. (American Action News)

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