Monday, November 9, 2020

Premature Celebration

All you liberals out there making yourselves look silly, dancing around in the streets about Biden’s “win” in the election, are going to look even sillier when the actual people with the responsibility to certify the election later come up with Trump as the winner. The media can’t make Biden president by just saying so, no matter how many fake news sources” tell the tale. Just like when the papers ran headlines “DEWEY WINS!” along time ago, this is a demonstration of the useless of most of the news media today. Even Fox News has fallen for it. I hope these people are going to have egg on their faces, and I’ll even volunteer to throw some of the eggs. I can’t believe the whole country, and the world have “bought” that con. To repeat: there is only one entity that can certify an election, and they have NOT done so. The media cannot “certify” the results of an election. So I advise all those zany liberals dancing in the streets to “cool it” until the election is actually certified, by the right entity, before you “go off the deep end.” (Just common sense)

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