How many millions of illegal votes do they have to find before the Dumbocrats will admit there IS massive voter fraud? Every day I see verifiable reports of more and more millions of votes found, yet they keep saying this isn’t enough to turn the election. They keep calling Trump’s findings bogus while calling a senile old man who can’t figure out where he is from day to day the “president elect,” when they have to know, if they have ANY intelligence at all that he is NOT, and will not be until, or unless the Electoral College so declares him thus. it’s the law. The news media doesn’t get to “confirm” the results of an election, and it pains me each time I hear somebody who ought to know better, routinely refer Biden as president elect. If Trump has ONE more vote than Biden he is re-elected. And Biden can go off into the mists of history as an old man who tried to steal an election with the help of the Dumbocrat Party so they could sit him down in the Oval Office and pretend he had the mental acuity in his senility to BE president, not a figurehead. (Just common sense)
Monday, November 30, 2020
"Common Sense Gun Control"
That’s one of the biggest contradiction in terms I have seen in my many years of life. What is “common sense” about laws that do NOTHING to “stop gun crime” and, instead, PROMOTE it by disarming the law-abiding, making them “easy targets” for the very gun crime their laws pretend to stop? What is “common sense” about creating many “gun-free zones” that become “killing zones” for potential mass killers who SEEK OUT such places in which to do their killing? What is “common sense” about making all schools gun-free zones when to do so makes them tempting targets for mass shooters while prohibiting legal gun owners from being able to bring their guns to school so as to have some chance at not only self defense, but defense of their students? The entire concept of targeting the guns is so far from being “common sense” as to be ridiculous. Criminals don’t obey laws. So making laws against them carrying guns is so silly, it’s sublime—and far from being “common sense.” And it is based completely on the IGNORANCE of those passing such laws. They can’t be intelligent and support the passage of such laws. (Just real common sense)
Gun Control Is Deadly
I like to talk about Chicago, where gun control is tight, while criminals have no trouble getting their guns, and the gun crime rate is the highest in the nation. But Chicago is not the worst example of the fallacy of anti-gun laws. Every large city with tight anti-gun laws has correspondingly high gun crime statistics. But that’s not the whole story: In Mexico, where the anti-gun laws are really draconian, and where only ONE PERCENT of Mexicans can legally buy guns, the gun crime rate has DOUBLED since those laws were written and imposed upon the people. This is but one more instance that proves my point. But the anti-gun fools, as usual, are not listening. They have a “tin ear” to facts that disprove their ignorant theories. They see these things, and then go on to make more and more stupid anti-gun laws they SAY reduces gun crime, while they do NOT. They only INCREASE it by making “easy targets” of the law-abiding, who DO obey their laws, while criminals (who obey NO laws) predictably do not. What drives them, I don’t know. I only know their ideas are worthless, and deadly to those who obey them, while they make it easier for the lawless to victimize the law-abiding. (John Lott)
Friday, November 27, 2020
I'm With Rush
He’s tired of waiting. Tired of hearing various lawyers and politicians tell us “what they have,” and “what they’re gonna do”--someday. They hold hearings and make all kinds of accusations, but nothing ever seems to get done—unless it’s against some obscure Trump staffer or supporter. Rush is demanding legal action, not promises. The only real legal action so far has been dealt with by the pardon issued for former general, former chief of staff Michael Flynn—and that was a needful action because Flynn was railroaded, tricked into a conflicting statement that was judged to be a lie by biased “investigators,” and pressured into pleading guilty to get it over with. Nothing like it for the real criminals because they’re Dumbocrats and the “fix is in.” It has been in for decades. Dumbocrats have to be caught on camera, and sometimes that doesn’t even work. All it seems to take to “get” a Republican is a whisper from some unnamed source to cause him/her to be “put through the wringer” until he/she breaks, and makes a misstatement that is judged to be a lie, and prosecuted. I too, am getting disgusted with all the promises of “enough evidence to bury somebody” with no legal action following. I say, “Don’t TELL me what you’re going to do—someday—just DO it, dammit! (Patriot Nation Press)
California Gun Killings
Wait a minute. California has some of the toughest anti-gun laws on the books, so how is this possible? Someone had to have either gotten his guns illegally or passed a background check and got them legally in order to bring off this outage. I thought all these tight laws were supposed to STOP things like this? Why weren’t they able? The truth is, this is yet another proof that anti-gun laws are useless to stop, or even slow down “gun crime.” Only the law-abiding obey them, and they aren’t, for the most part, the problem. The problem people are criminal, crazies, and Islamic terrorists, who regularly kill innocent people to make a political point. And they couldn’t care less about anti-gun laws. They are bent on violating much worse laws than those insignificant prohibitions on their use of guns in committing their other crimes. Laws are for those who obey them. Thus, the only people to whom these laws will apply are the law-abiding, who obey them. Completely ignoring the lawless, who routinely DISobey them. So what the hell good are they? They merely make it easier for the lawless to victimize the law-abiding. The anti-gun fools have to know this, but they ignore it and keep making their useless anti-gun laws, then ask in wonder, why gun crime persists. The news articles are still reporting that 5 people died in this California killing spree, but the death toll rose to 6. So what are California lawmakers going to do, now? Make more useless anti-gun laws for them to ignore? (People)
"I'm A Trained Marxist"
What the hell does THAT mean? The co-leader of the “Black Lives Matter” movement says she is a “trained Marxist.” If that really means what I think it does, she is admitting to being a COMMUNIST, which is the worst kind of socialist. Communism brought 75 years of misery to Russia before failing, and socialism is continuing it with Vladmir Putin, a former bloody secret police leader, at the helm, to keep it going. Communism has meant DEATH to millions of Russians who opposed communism, in any way. Is this what America wants? 75 (or more) years of misery and millions of Americans murdered, so the communists (Marxists) can remain in power?
BLM has gotten strong enough so that insipid politicians are now allowing the BLM symbol to be painted on public property right now. That frightens me no end, that they have become that powerful and the politicians so stupid. I see only misery ahead. This is how they enslaved Russia—a little bit at a time, like “boiling a frog.” Drop a frog in hot water, he’ll jump right out. Drop him in cold water and he’ll stay while you bring it to a boil without his notice, until he's dead. We need to get rid of these people before they get so strong it becomes impossible, until their system collapses of its own weight long in the future, as it did in Russia. (Just common sense)
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
The Suicide of America
It’s name is Joe Biden. He is signaling the appointment of all the “old guard” of imbeciles that contributed to the near demise of America under Obama. To make it worse, he wants to appoint Obama to the Supreme Court, and irreversible action, since that is a lifetime appointment. And for a second appointment, he wants to appoint Hillary Clinton. Another lifetime appointment of one of the worst political criminals in DC. Then comes Horse faced John Kerry, the worst blowhard in DC, as “climate czar,” useless a job as there is, since that “climate change” thing is a con from beginning to end. “The Swamp” is returning, in full force. They finally “got” Trump, after stealing the election in an almost transparent action. There are so many instances of election fraud, in so many places, it’s impossible to keep track of them all—yet the Dumbocrats keep saying “there is no evidence of election fraud,” in the face of sure evidence there IS. Evidence they keep ignoring. Another four years of “The Swamp,” America, as we knew it, will be so far gone, Trump might not be able to rescue it, if he runs in 2024 and wins again, something he does on a regular basis. (Just common sense)
Insane Accusation, Prosecution
Charging Kyle Rittenhouse with murder and attempted murder is the most insane action I can think of for somebody who is supposed to be enforcing our laws. That killing was the most obvious case of self defense I’ve ever seen—and I did see it. He was being attacked and threatened with death by not one, not two, but THREE thugs and shots were being fired in his direction. He couldn’t be more afraid for his life, and that is the standard definition of self defense. The worst a competent prosecutor could charge him with was a gun crime, since he was only 17. And that’s only if they’re searching for SOMETHING, ANYTHING to charge him with, and that seems to be the case. He acted clearly in self defense, and to charge him with murder is a violation of the law, as well as a violation of common sense. That prosecutor needs to be fired, and sued broke for this incompetent act, to ruin the life of a kid who was just protecting that business from the mob. And that’s what those men were, not the “peaceful protesters” the media likes to call their looting and destroying of private property, and the assaults on innocent people like Rittenhouse. (Just common sense)
Gun Control Equals Death
“If your government tells you that you don’t need a gun, you need a gun.” I don’t know who said that, but it is a truism. Adolph Hitler had complete gun control, and then he went on to murder millions. Not just Jews, other people, as well. And they had no recourse, because they didn’t have guns to use to oppose him and his “Brown Shirt” thugs. Josef Stalin had complete gun control in Soviet Russia, and HE went on to murder millions of defenseless, unarmed citizens. Fidel Castro made guns in the hands of his citizens illegal on his first day after taking over in Cuba, and predictably murdered many defenseless citizens. Disarming citizens is the first step for a dictator when he takes over. No dictator wants his “people” to be armed when he comes to victimize them because he doesn’t want himself, or his thugs to get shot as they victimize his citizens. All the Dumocrat candidates for president want to “take your guns.” Doesn’t that tell you something about what they have planned for you if you’re dumb enough to elect them? You think it can’t happen here? They want to repeal the Second Amendment. What do you think they’re going to do if that ever happens? (Just common sense)
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Godawful Damned Fools!
That’s my description of ANYBODY who wants to defund or abolish the police, and/or get rid of prisons altogether, turning criminals loose to prey on the rest of us with impunity. Because without the police there to get between us and the criminals, and the prisons in which to keep them, we’re going to descent into a very dangerous world where those who have most guns will rule. And the criminals always have the most guns, no matter what the laws say. The movement to eliminate the cops and prisons can only benefit one group of people, and that is the criminal element. Anybody who favors eliminating the cops and prisons is either a criminal or a damned fool, one or the other, maybe both. Personally, I don’t want to live in a world where there is no police protection, and I’m far too old and infirm to resist, myself. Those ignorant politicians who go along with it must think they have something to replace them with, and I’d love to know what it is—and it isn’t a social worker. Having them answer police calls, as has been suggested, without being armed is sure suicide, for them, and everybody else involved. (Just common sense)
Unbelievable Incompetence!
Incompetent elected “officials” have been going out of their way to illustrate their stupidity by defunding their police departments, instigating record rises in violent crimes, since there are fewer cops out there to stop the criminals from victimizing innocent people. At the same time they are releasing violent criminals—rapists and murderers, to prey on the rest of us. Meanwhile, they are working hard to disarm all HONEST, law-abiding people, making them “easy targets” for criminals. Why do they do that? They need the space to house the “REAL criminals”—people who congregate with family members for Thanksgiving dinner. They impose crippling fines and jail sentences upon these terrible criminals, and there just isn’t enough room to house those rapists and murderers. Then they cry when violent crime goes out of control. There’s only one solution to this insanity, and that’s to get a gun—legal or illegal. A bullet doesn’t know, nor care, if it is legal or not. Since those incompetent politicians are making it all but impossible for us to defend ourselves legally, while turning all the violent criminals loose to prey on us, we’re going to have to do it illegally. (Just common sense)
De Blasio Is An Imbecile!
He’s cutting the police department’s budget in NYC and he says that’s a way to “Make New York safer.” If he really believes that, he’s got his head so far up his rear end he can only see brown. Already, with his ultra-liberal policies, crime in New York is spiraling out of control, and he’s taking a billion dollars away from his only line of defense, thinking in his half-wit brain that this is the way to safety for his constituents. People are going to die because of this, and he’s going to deny responsibility. Politicians are good at deflecting blame for their stupid policies and the results, thereof. New Yorkers—if there are any left alive for the next election—better get rid of De Blasio and his ilk, or they will again get the government they deserve. They voted this imbecile into office and they need to vote him out—as quickly as possible. Their lives depend on it. If this fool remains in office, his voter list will grow smaller. The armed criminals will see to that, with not enough cops on the streets. Frankly, I can’t see why even liberals would elect such a fool to office. But not being a liberal, I’m a little smarter than that. (The Blacksphere)
Monday, November 23, 2020
Godawful Damned Fools!
That’s my description of ANYBODY who wants to defund or abolish the police, and/or get rid of prisons altogether, turning criminals loose to prey on the rest of us with impunity. Because without the police there to get between us and the criminals, and the prisons in which to keep them, we’re going to descent into a very dangerous world where those who have most guns will rule. And the criminals always have the most guns, no matter what the laws say. The movement to eliminate the cops and prisons can only benefit one group of people, and that is the criminal element. Anybody who favors eliminating the cops and prisons is either a criminal or a damned fool, one or the other, maybe both. Personally, I don’t want to live in a world where there is no police protection, and I’m far too old and infirm to resist, myself. Those ignorant politicians who go along with it must think they have something to replace them with, and I’d love to know what it is—and it isn’t a social worker. Having them answer police calls, as has been suggested, without being armed, is sure suicide, for them, and everybody else involved. (Just common sense)
Creating A Rebellion
Liberals don’t think it can happen in America, but so did King George when he tried to take away America’s guns. That cost him a country he thought was his when his settlers resisted his high-handed ways. I guess he thought, “Oh, another rebellion to put down.” But he soon found out American settlers were made of sterner stuff than were those of the other rebellions he had put down. They “handed him his head” and took his country away from him. Now we’ve come full circle and our own government, not some foreign power’s king, wants to take our guns away, and with it, our right to self defense. That ain’t gonna sis too well with the millions of gun owners, and they won’t stand for it. They think they’re so strong they can’t provide any resistance to their draconian, unconstitutional laws, but if they succeed in making a law to disarm America, the rebellion will begin. And the gun owners WILL win. (Just common sense)
Gun Control Equals Death
“If your government tells you that you don’t need a gun, you need a gun.” I don’t know who said that, but it is a truism. Adolph Hitler had complete gun control, and then he went on to murder millions. Not just Jews, other people, as well. And they had no recourse, because they didn’t have guns to use to oppose him and his “Brown Shirt” thugs. Josef Stalin had complete gun control in Soviet Russia, and HE went on to murder millions of defenseless, unarmed citizens. Fidel Castro made guns in the hands of his citizens illegal on his first day after taking over in Cuba, and predictably murdered many defenseless citizens. Disarming citizens is the first step for a dictator when he takes over. No dictator wants his “people” to be armed when he comes to victimize them because he doesn’t want himself, or his thugs to get shot as they victimize his citizens. All the Dumocrat candidates for president want to “take your guns.” Doesn’t that tell you something about what they have planned for you if you’re dumb enough to elect them? You think it can’t happen here? They want to repeal the Second Amendment. What do you think they’re going to do if that ever happens? (Just common sense)
Friday, November 20, 2020
Why's Socialism So Popular?
At one time, being “exposed” as a socialist was a “death knell” for a politician. Now they openly TOUT their not only approval of socialism, they scream it from the rooftops. And nobody bats an eye. Especially the “young folks.” Why is that? Why has the “stigma” of socialism gone away? First of all, the “young folks” are too ignorant of the facts regarding socialism, and all forms of collectivism not having been taught the truth about it, and are operating under that ignorance, listening to the “swan song” of socialism that tells them they can get “goodies” for free. Nobody tells them that SOMEBODY has to pay for those “freebies.” And if they become workers and producers of new wealth, that somebody will be them. Socialism is a system based on theft. Money taken from the producers of new wealth, and given to those unable, or unwilling to work for a living. It’s like one or two people pushing a wagon full f people unwilling to help. It creates NO WEALTH, and it STEALS part of that created by the producer to give to the non-producer. Socialism, everywhere, is doomed to fail eventually. It can last only as long as there is more money to steal from producers. Then it must collapse, as it is now doing in Venezuela, and did in Soviet Russia. And is about to in Cuba, where the average age of cars (except for government officials, of course) the fifties, because they can’t afford better. Evidence of the failure of socialism abound, but its salespeople are good at “explaining it away,” while only presenting the “good things” about it. Among those are the “freebies.” (Just common sense)
"Unity" Means Capitulation
After almost four years of working hard to divide this country, the Dumbocrats are now calling for “unity.” But AOC just recently revealed their basic aim, to completely shut Republicans up. She’s working hard to win Georgia so” we won’t have to negotiate with Republicans.” Surrender, in other words. That means blocking Republicans from ALL discussions, on all things. We will have become essentially a “one-party country, since this would render the GOP useless and ineffective. And you know what a one-party country means. Some Dumbocrat will become an all powerful DICTATOR. And your rights will be GONE. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want that, at any cost, and I know there are many who agree with me. Some of those will be ready to “Take up arms” against such a thing, and we will have our second revolution in America. Mind you, you feds spying on me, I’m not advocating a revolution, I’m just recognizing reality. People used to freedom jealously guard it, and some will. That’s a fact, and when it comes, we’re done. (Just common sense)
It's A Flim Flam
The Orinda, California shooting came right after California passed no less than 15 tight anti-gun laws. So now California “officials” are clamoring for even more useless anti-gun laws as a result. These people aren’t stupid. They have to know that NONE of their anti-gun laws do ANYTHING to stop, or even slow down “gun crime,” so why is clamor for even more of them a “knee-jerk reaction” to any shooting? Taking guns away from the law-abiding in response to the use of ILLEGAL guns just makes the problem of “gun crime” worse, by disarming the honest people so they cannot defend themselves against the bad guys, so they’re CONTRIBUTING to the very problem they claim to be working against. It has become painfully obvious that we have many would-be despots making laws for us. They know that, sooner or later, they are going to “come for what’s ours,” and they don’t want to meet too many guns when they do. So they CLAIM to be “doing God’s work” when they take as many guns away from the law-abiding as they can. They can’t do much about the millions of ILLEGAL guns out there, so they do what they can with people they know have guns, legally. (Mercury News)
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!
That’s what Dumbocrats, specifically Joe Biden, are all about. They say it’s not socialism, but it is. Socialism is stealing money from those who EARN it for the benefit of those who would rather not. Now Joe wants to “forgive” $1.6 BILLION in student loans, as if he had the money in his pocket. He doesn’t. The money is in YOUR pocket, and he will reach into it to pay for student loans for people you don’t even know. Every “program” he announces take money out of YOUR pocket to pay for all the freebies he promises. That’s what you can expect over the next four years IF he actually DOES get “confirmed” by the Electoral College, which is the only entity with the power t do so. The media has NO such power, although Joe Biden and much of that media seems to think they do. It pained me to hear a Fox News commentator refer to Biden as “the president.” Not president elect, but president! As if media opinion counted for anything in the matter. (Just common sense)
He Must Be Effective
Tucker Carlson is “under fire” again because he refuses to “toe the liberal line” in his show. Of course, the fact that he is far from being a liberal is lost on the liberals who are pressuring Fox News to fire him, and for his advertisers to abandon him as pressure for them to do that, He must be really hurting them if they are so determined to get him off the air and out of their hair. They finally got rid of the man he replaced, with their usual scam: accusing him of (unprovable) sexual advances, using the fact that his employers “paid off” some women with equally unprovable claims to avoid bad publicity (didn’t work) as “evidence.” So they think they can do that to him, too. Look for the accusations to come. They want him to “back off” and quit exposing all their secrets, but he is not going to. Tucker is fearless, and they don’t know how to handle that. They’ve always been able to bully and intimidate others, but Tucker won’t budge. I hope Fox stays with him. If they don’t, he would be a real loss. (American Action News)
Self Defense With Guns
It used to be that an individual could use what is necessary to defend himself and his home. No more. A St. Louis coupe had the audacity to defend themselves and their home with guns after ANTIFA mobsters made some specific threats against them and marched on their home, threatening them further. Apparently, now only the leftists can threaten violence to anybody who disagrees with them. Of course, that just made the mobsters mad that they would have the audacity to actually defend themselves, so they published their name and address, inviting even more threats to them. One post on social media said this: “Someone identify these people. I don’t know the area. Get an address. I’ll help. Sue them, ruin their businesses, help their employees sabotage their capital, call their kids, call their family members, call their country club— use capitalism for the weapon it’s designed to be.” — kyle rezac-dennis (@krezacdennis) June 29, 2020 I guess today if you try and defend yourself against the mob, that mob will set out to ruin you. No longer is it acceptable for ANYBODY to disagree with a leftist mob. They will “target you” for destruction, and destruction is the only thing they’re good at. They have no answers, so they resort to violence. (Mic Drop Politics)
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Biden Has NOT Won!
It doesn’t matter how many times the media says he has, to the point where senators on the Judiciary Committee feel free to say with confidence, falsely, that Biden IS the “president elect,” when he is NOT. They ought to know better, but apparently, they don’t. Biden can go around PRETENDING he is the president elect all he likes, but he is NOT. Not until the Electoral College confirms him, and they have NOT confirmed anybody. We have a very specific way to declare a president elect that is dictated by the Constitution of the United States, and it does NOT give the media, or anybody else the power to “anoint” a president elect. This is an obvious attempt at a coup, designed to unseat a president, and it will not work. President Trump is working hard to uncover all the many instances of election fraud the Dumbocrats falsely say do not exist, and recover as many votes—for whomever—they are. Him OR Biden. He is not biased, as are the Dumbocrats. After the dust settles, he may well remain president, or Biden may be certified. But until the Electoral College confirms either one, NOBODY has won the election, notwithstanding pretense otherwise. (Just common sense)
Another Honest Justice
Only a liberal hack will deny that the Supreme Court has been dominated by liberal justices for years, and that has resulted in some strange “rulings” over the years. One of those is “Roe v. Wade,” where the liberal court twisted the language of the Constitution to cause the murders of millions of innocent, helpless babies, before they get a chance to take their first breath. It has also resulted in many other strange rulings, including the one making same sex marriage legal. Liberal justices have “legislated from the bench,” and one even based a ruling on something he found in FOREIGN law, which was so obviously illegal it doesn’t even require mentioning by intelligent people. The Supreme Court has ONE JOB. To look at laws made by the legislatures and decide if they CONFORM to the Constitution, something ALL laws made must do. Part of their mandate is NOT to “make laws” themselves. Just make sure all laws made conform to the Constitution. Trump's new justice WILL follow that rule, and rule ONLY based on what the Constitution says—and not on the twisted meaning of its words, as the liberal justices have done, in the past. (Just common sense)
Gun Control Mexico
Places with tight anti-gun laws are supposed to be crime-free, right? Then how did an American family in Mexico get the hell shot out of them by being caught in the crossfire between two Mexican drug cartels? Among the killed were a two-year-old and a pair of 8-month-old twins. The Mexican government says they may have been mistaken for a rival cartel. Homeland Security Secretary David Glawe said, "The violence and disregard for human life displayed by these criminal organizations is as barbaric and gruesome as any terrorist organization we see around the globe." And this is in a country where access to guns for civilians is severely limited! How do these people get their guns? The guns they used to massacre this family? They got them ILLEGALLY, that’s how! The same way all criminals get their guns, in spite of all the anti-gun laws that are on the books. The traffic in illegal guns in Mexico is legendary, mostly going to the cartels. Criminals DEPEND on anti-gun laws to keep their intended victims unarmed, making it easier for the criminals to victimize them. This massacre proves conclusively that anti-gun laws are USELESS to accomplish any kind of a reduction in “gun crime” and, instead, it INCREASES it by disarming the law-abiding. Conversely, where gun control is at its weakness, crime generally goes down—which is proven in one county where purchase of long guns is at record high levels, while gun crime has gone down “Nuff said. (NBC News)
Monday, November 16, 2020
Who Does the Violence?
Dumbocrats love to “ask Republicans not to do violence. But, as usual, they’re implying and attributing something to Republicans that THEY are doing. I have yet to see an instance where a red hatted Trump supporter STARTED any violence, but I’ve seen many instances where a Dumbocrat has attacked Trump supporters who were simply going about their business. During the DC “Million Man Trump March,” some Trump supporters were in a restaurant eating lunch when a bunch of BLM and ANTIFA types came up and attacked them, beating them terribly. In one place recently they stabbed a Trump supporter many times, and put him in the hospital. He will survive, but not because of those Dumbocrat supporters who stabbed them. Reports abound, all over the country, of similar attacks. It is common knowledge among intelligent people that ANTIFA and BLM are Dumbocrat constructs. I expect, pretty soon, Trump supporters are going to say, “enough!” and start fighting back That will be the beginning of the end for ANTIFA and BLM. (Flag and Cross)
AOC Is Insane
You can see it in her eyes. She thinks she’s going to take over the Dumbocrat Party—and she might be right, with all the other crazies in charge there. She is the perfect representative of what the DNC stands for—insanity. She’s evil incarnate. How did a woman whose only experience is making drunks for drunks qualified to be a U. S. Representative? She obviously had help from some “behind the scenes” politician who managed get her elected for his own purposes—which are obviously to destroy the American political system—and she’s not only good at it, she has exceeded his/her every expectation with her daily rants and support of impossible positions. And, from what I hear, she has lined her own pockets and those of her boyfriend in the process. We have to see to it that this b-tch is a one-term member of Congress, and that we get no more like her and Omar. Both of whom are systematically looting the treasury while they are screwing up the works. (Just common sense)
Why Are Gun Sales Down?
It’s a strange reason, and not as a result of the anti-gun hysteria—in a way. The gun industry had a real boom going during the Obama administration, fearing that Obama was going to somehow take their guns away. So they bought more and more of them and hid them away so he couldn’t get them all. But today, it’s a different thing. They aren’t so much afraid that Trump is going to come for their guns, so they’re not buying so many. It’s a reverse effect of gun control. The more they try, the more guns we’re going to get. Obama was one of the biggest anti-gun fools ever to become president. Or maybe THE worst. So inversely, he was the bet gun salesman there ever was. The more he spoke against guns, the more guns Americans bought, both legally, and illegally. The result was more and more guns out there, not fewer. And that makes things more difficult for the miscreants who use their guns (legal and illegal) to victimize the law-abiding, because they can’t be as sure that their intended victims will not be armed, and able to defend themselves. Criminals LOVE gun control, for that reason. They SEEK OUT “gun-free zones” because they can be pretty sure the law-abiding will not be armed, there. They’re law-abiding people, who OBEY gun laws, even while knowing they’re stupid, and useless for reducing gun crime and, instead, INCREASE it by disarming the law-abiding. (Prepared Gun Owners)
Friday, November 13, 2020
Really No Evidence?
This is what eyewitnesses have SEEN, just in Michigan State: A batch of ballots, 60% with the SAME signature; a bunch of ballots scanned 5 TIMES; 35 Ballots counted that were not connected to a voter record; Saw poll workers marking ballots with NO mark for candidates; one voter said his son was recorded as voting twice; saw provisional ballots being placed in the tabulation box; installed software that purposefully changes thousands of Trump votes to Biden votes—software installed in 47 counties; Republican challengers admitted while Dumbocrats admitted; Republican challengers physically pushed from counting tables by “officials”; Dumbocrats handing out a packet titled, “Tactics to Distract Republican Challengers”; Republican challenges to suspect ballots ignored. And these are just a few instances of blatant voter fraud, by POLL WORKERS in one state! If it is happening here, you can bet it is happening elsewhere. The question is, is it enough to change the results? I say a resounding YES! (Just common sense)
Abolish the Cops?
Not a gawddamned chance! If you get rid of the police, you then have criminals, crazies, and Islamic terrorists “running wild” with nobody to get in their way. Abolishing the cops will mean DEATH to a lot of people, some of them the very people who helped abolish the cops. If somebody comes at you with a gun, you should be able to have your own gun with which to defend yourself. The cops are your gun, although they aren’t as good at it as you are with your own gun in hand. But with the stupid anti-gun laws preventing you from having your own gun, they’re all you have—when they can get there in time. You don’t defend yourself by making yourself defenseless. Incompetent liberal politicians just don’t get that. They just deny you the right to self defense by denying you the right to own and use a gun while taking that right for themselves. They don’t even think about the natural effect of that. And abolishing the cops falls into the same “wheelhouse” as denying you the right to a gun. It makes you even more defenseless against the predators. (Just common sense)