Friday, May 24, 2019

"Welcome to Colorado!"

“Where you can get away with MURDER, as long as it is only that “nonviable mass” in a potential mother’s stomach that used to be thought of as a child. Abortion is legal here, and you can have all the unprotected sex you wish without ever having to worry about having to raise the result, if you don’t want to. I’m sorry to say I live in Colorado, but you won’t ever see me having anything to do with an abortion, because I wouldn’t ever want to KILL a defenseless infant. If I didn’t want to raise one I had sired, there is always adoption. An abortion is just as hard on a woman’s body as is childbirth, and there is no shortage of people who actually WANT your child, if you don’t. Abortion is MURDER. It “stills a beating heart.” Abortion is NOT about “a woman’s right to control what happens to her own body.” If it were, prostitution would be legal. It IS about that child’s right to live a life. It is a real person, no matter how pro-abortion people say it isn’t. That’s just something they say to justify that murder. And if you don’t believe it is murder, just watch as a doctor sucks the brain out of that child to kill it. (Just common sense)

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