Thursday, May 2, 2019

Too Big for His Britches

David Hogg is getting "too big for his britches." He reacted to Laura Ingraham's comments, and she apologized, thinking MAYBE she got some things wrong. Then he announced that he would not accept her apology unless she denounced Fox News, which isn't going to happen. People like Laura don't "take orders" from teenagers, no matter how many liberals have him in their back pockets. He's later went after Sen. John McCain, asking him, "How much money have you taken from the NRA?" His IGNORANCE is showing. A teenager doesn't get to question a United States Senator. His butt isn't big enough. He's just a KID with a big mouth. His ideas, which reflect the brainwashing he has received from the anti-gun fools, will NOT solve the problem of crazies shooting up schools, no matter how much he thinks they will. He needs to "crawl back in the woodwork" from which he came, and SHUT UP! Then grow up. The more his big mouth roars, the more he displays his IGNORANCE. McCain never responded to Hogg's Tweet, and why should he? He probably didn't even notice it. (Liberty Headlines)

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