Thursday, May 9, 2019

Democrat Harassment

If a local “cop shop” ever did what the Dumocrats in Congress have done to President Trump, they would be guilty of harassment. And rightly so. Why then, do the Dumocrats in congress get away with years long harassment of a sitting president? One they couldn’t beat at the polls, and are now trying to beat by harassment? They had their “lapdog,” Robert Mueller, search under every rock and crevice, trying to find something, ANYTHING they could use to unseat President Trump. He came up with NOTHING, after ruining several people by subjecting them to hours and days, weeks and months of unceasing questioning that got NOTHING. Their lawyer’s fees BROKE them. Some went to PRISON on silly, made-up “charges” that amounted to little or nothing. Popadopolous got TWO WEEKS on a trumped-up charge that was the best they could come up with, after ruining him financially.

All because he REPEATED something he was TOLD by one of Hillary’s henchmen. Something they PLANTED with the specific intention to have him repeat it, so they could plant it in the news. After all this, any experienced cop would have given up. But not the Dumocrats! They started three NEW “investigations” of the same things that were DISPROVED by Mueller, and are harassing as many of Trump’s associates as they can with questionable “subpoenas.” They subpoenaed Donald Trump, Jr. to ask him the same questions AGAIN that they asked him during the 20 hours to which they subjected him when he VOLUNTARILY appeared before them. This harassment has GOT to stop. They should not be ALLOWED to harass the president and all his associates and family this way. It is becoming CRIMINAL and they should be PUNISHED. (Just common sense)

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