Monday, May 20, 2019

22 Angry Democrats

It’s very funny to me to see how many Dumocrats really think they have a snowball’s chance in hell of beating President Trump. They come out daily with all their stupid proposed policies. One has proposed an “equal pay tax” on employers who have “unequal pay” for their workers, thinking the guy who has no skills at all and doesn’t even wipe down the walls well, should earn as much as the guy whose ideas have made the company $millions, maybe even $billions. Others want to establish “Medicare For All,” when there isn’t enough money to continue to pay for it just for us “old folks.” The many socialists in the Dumocrat Party want to establish all their socialist notions, such as paying the tuition for all children to go to college at someone else’s expense, and giving everybody a “minimum paycheck” whether or not they work. You name it, they want to pay for it for you. With someone else’s money. Unless, of course, you’re capable and willing to earn it yourself, and have a little left over. Then they want that “little,” and as much more as they can convince you (con you) to give up so that someone else, not so capable and willing, can live a life the equal to yours, without having to work to pay for it. All these ideas depend on YOUR MONEY, so you have to keep on working and earning new wealth, so they can seal as much of it as you will allow to finance all their giveaway programs guaranteed to buy votes to keep them in office, so they don’t have to work too hard, and get paid a lot of money for it. (Just common sense)

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