Monday, May 20, 2019

Got What They Wanted

Liberals all over have been searching hard to find SOMEBODY who does violence in “Trump’s name.” they thought they had it with the Jusse Smollett story. They were ecstatic, popping champagne corks all over the place. Then reality set in and the story was proved false. And their narrative was set back considerably. Now it seems to have happened, in New Zealand. A gunman went into a Muslim mosque and methodically murdered 49 people, saying he was a “Trump supporter” and that Muslims were “an invading force,” and he wanted to do his own little bit to stop them. Muslims, some of whom have been the killers all over the world, took it right up, saying this was an action “of pure hate.” They don’t like it much when it happens to them. Right here I must say I have no use for ANYBODY who does useless violence on ANYBODY, for any reason. Most of the Muslims in that mosque were NOT responsible for the actions of Muslim extremists. Just like Trump supporters are not responsible for this killer’s actions. But liberals will not believe that. They now have what they’ve always wanted, it seems. The killer “live streamed” his killing spree, and was heard, at one point, to say he was a “Trump supporter,” among other extraneous comments. I predict that this shooting spree will be ”hit on,” every day, for a long time, in the liberal media, while they still ignore the plethora of vicious attacks on Trump supporters, some just for wearing a “MAGA hat.” Maybe forever, as long as liberals are trying to get rid of Trump before he uncovers their “dirty deeds” and succeeds in “draining the swamp.” (CNN)

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