Tuesday, May 7, 2019

They Have It In Common

Jimmy Kimmel, Joy Bahar, Samantha Bee, and Roseann all have something in common. All have made scurrilous comments--some on television, some on Twitter. None have gotten fired, so far--except for Roseann. Why is she different? Because she was making noises like a Trump supporter. All the others made insults TO Trump. Double standard? Absolutely. But liberals will deny it to their dying day, even if we know it, and they KNOW we know it. They think if they deny reality, we'll believe it. Unfortunately, that's not working for them, any more. We're onto them. That's why Trump is in the White House, quickly trashing everything stupid that they've ever done. They just can't understand that this is the REASON we elected Trump. to get rid of the crap in our government. And it's working. He's getting rid of most of their stupidities, and firing as many "logs" as possible. Under Trump. THOUSANDS of freeloaders have lost their jobs. And thousands more WILL get fired before he is finished. (The Blaze)

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