Friday, May 17, 2019

"Always Believe the Woman"

They say, “Women don’t lie” when they accuse a man of sexual impropriety, but they do. There are cases every day where women are PROVEN to have lied and accused a man of sexual impropriety because they didn’t get something they wanted from him. I read the other day about a woman who accused her lover of RAPE because she “forgot” that she didn’t “say no” before having consensual sex with him. In the case linked here, this woman didn’t get an “A” from this professor, so she accused him of sexual impropriety—until she got caught and had to “fess up.” The thing that really disturbs me is that, when a woman accuses a man, they don’t even let the man know who accused him, nor do they allow him to “confront his accuser,” as he is allowed to do I all other cases. They can accuse him, and he is not allowed to defend himself, nor even know who accused him. That is patently unfair, and has been widely abused by women who think it’s easy to “make a man pay” for some imagined “crime” by falsely accusing him. This has been caused by liberals, who have just decided that a woman doesn’t lie in such cases, when they do, all the time. They just can’t get caught at it in most cases because their unsupported word is accepted as “evidence” without ANY “supporting evidence.” (Brass Pills)

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