Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Who Divided This Nation?

The Dumocrats like to complain about "this divided nation," ignoring the fact that THEY divided it, and are working HARD to keep it divided, and to divide it further, They want to divide us into smaller "warring factions" that spend their time fighting each other over silly things such as, should we allow MEN to go into women's bathrooms and changing rooms, where there are often our young daughters, naked, because they say they "think" they're a woman that day and dress up like one. It is to their advantage for us to be divided as much as possible, because while we are fighting each other, they are stealing our country behind our backs. Anybody who pays any attention to politics whatever should be able to see this. Unfortunately, too many people PROUDLY "pay no attention to politics" until an election is approaching, and the lies are flying all over the place. This article goes into much more detail on this subject. (iPatriot)

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