Thursday, November 30, 2017

Peek Under the Rock

You all know what happens when you lift up a rock that has been sitting there for a long time. All the bugs scurry to get out of the light of day. That's what's happening to the liberals in all walks of life after they made the mistake of lifting the conservative rock to find one or two (maybe) sexual perverts. I say maybe because they couldn't provide any proof of ANY of their accusations. But the conservatives (finally) fought back, and opened a real bag of crap among liberals. There are so many liberal "icons" falling like flies, I wonder which ones that have yet to be named are keeping their sanity as they await the next exposure. Liberal perverts (proven) have been found in government, in media, and in Hollywood. Those in academia must be shaking in their boots, waiting for the "other shoe to drop" on them. As many have been found among liberals elsewhere, one wonders how many will eventually be found among professors and other staff. It's a real epidemic for which there is no "cure." (Mail News)

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