Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Now That's Really Funny!

Minnesota Dumocrat Rep. Kieth Ellison *a Muslim) says the GOP is “the party of racism.” Coming from a member of the REAL “party of racism,” that's hilarious! I mention the fact that he is Muslim not because of racism (Muslim is NOT a race), but because I know what is the mindset of most militant Muslims (which he is). Facts prove that the Dumocrat Party has always BEEN the “party of racism.” Martin Luther King demonstrated AGAINST Dumocrats. And Dumocrats filibustered the Equal Rights Amendment, hoping to defeat it. Many openly racist Dumocrats have been in Congress, some actually former Ku Klux Klan (KKK) members. They think race all the time, while trying to convince the world that the GOP is the “racist party.” AlGore's father was one of the most virulent racist members of Congress. For them to be saying that the GOP is the “racist party” is hilarious. It's typical of their usual efforts to slam the GOP for what THEY are. (The Constitution)

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