Monday, November 20, 2017

Sheriff Arpaio Found Guilty

Guilty of enforcing the law, even though a federal judge told him not to. This is a good example of the atrocities that accrued from Obama's presidency: a good man and an excellent sheriff sent to prison for enforcing the law! How STUPID is that? But that's Obama—a man who should never have been allowed NEAR the Oval Office. Putting honest men in prison for doing their jobs. This is an example of the ATROCITIES that will arise from Obama's tenure as president. Arpaio refused to “knuckle under” to an UNCONSTITUTIONAL order and now faces six months in prison, having been convicted, by a liberal judge, of CRIMINAL CONTEMPT. It's a shame a judge can get away with such an atrocity without being “sat down.” Putting an honorable man in prison for doing his job IS an atrocity. Especially a man as old as is Arpaio. Being put in a prison with a bunch of CRIMINALS he put there without a means to defend himself could mean the DEATH of this honorable man. First, his enemies engineered his defeat in his last election, then want to put him in prison! These people need to be “:cut off at the knees.” (USA Today)

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