Thursday, May 22, 2008

You Won't Let Us Drill!

A senator was giving the CEO of Shell "what for," and he (The CEO) "scored a direct hit" on Senator Leahy. Patrick Leahy demanded to know why prices are so high in a "properly functioning free market." And the CEO came back with "There IS no free market! You won't let us drill!" (62% of oil drilling in the U. S. is prohibited)This is the first time an oil company CEO has "told the truth" in such a hearing. They're usually so cowed, they agree to whatever the Senator blowhards say. This guy "got his guts on" and told Leahy the truth to his face, and in front of the media. Ignoring such things, they now want to add an "excess profits tax," which would just be passed on to the consumer and not solve a thing. These politicians will never admit to their complicity in high gas prices. Instead, they'll completely ignore any reference to it. But the public is slowly figuring it out (Heard on the Rush Limbaugh show). But you probably won't hear much about it in the liberal media. (Just common sense)

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