Saturday, May 17, 2008

Whining Like A Baby

It's always instructive to me when Democrats (liberals) "whine like stuck pigs." It means we've told the truth about them and they don't like that. Such is the case when Bush mentioned an American senator's "appeasement" of Hitler. Bush did not breathe Obama's name, but Obama immediately took offense and "castigated" Bush for his remarks. You can always tell when you tell a "truth" about liberals that they don't like. They howl. All of them howl and they "circle the wagons." If Obama thinks this kind of thing (telling the truth about him) will stop if he gets elected president, he's got another think coming. Hopefully, he'll never get to find out. The whole point here is, you can always tell when you "score a direct hit." That's when they cry. John McCain says Obama shows "naiveté, inexperience, and lack of judgment," and he's SO right. (My Way)

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