Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Predictable Response From Liberals

Philadelphia has the highest rate of murder per 100,000 citizens in the country. The latest murder to cause them ire is the murder of a policeman in a bank robbery, committed by three known-to-be-violent criminals who don't obey anti-gun laws. So what's their answer? More anti-gun laws! This is the answer to violent crime EVERYWHERE by liberals, no matter how many times it is proven to be a response that kills more people (They don't work, so let's make more of them). What is WRONG with them? Are they stupid? Most likely. Maybe they're simply insane. Insanity is defined as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." I would say the liberal response to violent crime, specifically "gun crime," fits this description. (John Lott)

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