Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Obama Favors Unions

Why is that bad? Simple: because unions today represent the worst socialism or communism has to offer: the elevation of mediocrity over excellence. If you are in a union you don't have to do your job well. The union will protect you from being fired for non-performance. That's a socialistic concept, and socialism (or communism) is just one form of COLLECTIVISM, where the individual is "just a cog in society" and has no importance except as that "cog." Obama and Hillary are BOTH socialists, and if they (either of them) are elected, you can expect this country to move ever closer to a socialist society, more quickly. McCain has shown socialistic tendencies, too. But I think he is simply pandering to socialists in this society. He seems to think he can't get elected without pandering to socialists, but hopefully he isn't the "dedicated socialist" Obama and Hillary are. (News Max)

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