Saturday, May 10, 2008

Higher Food Prices

Is anybody really wondering why food prices have increased so much? Mostly it's because of the liberal (environmentalist/global warming freaks) push to force people to use food products for "biofuel," something that costs more, and is not nearly as efficient as oil-based products. Even President Bush (who should know better) is beginning to "buy" AlGore's fantasy about "man-made global warming." He was recently heard to say that "America is 'addicted' to oil," which is irritatingly ignorant, especially for a man who makes some of his money from oil. The fact is, we use as much oil because with all the "research" into "alternative fuels," we haven't been able to come up with ANYTHING that will do the job better than oil. It is a NECESSITY to our very survival, just as food and drink is to MY personal survival (which means my use of both daily is NOT an "addiction," it is survival). There's a good reason why oil is so important to us. That's because nobody has been able to come up with a substitute that even COSTS the same and does the job as efficiently. (Paul Jacob/Common Sense)

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