Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ten Years to ANWR

Liberals, global warming crazies, and environmental extremists have been telling us for at least fifteen years that "It'll take ten years to get anything out of ANWR, so why bother?" But if we had actually DONE something there fifteen years ago, we'd now be five years into realizing benefits from drilling there. They're still resisting development there, still lying about the area we want to drill in being a "winter wonderland." What it actually is, is a "winter wasteland." The entire area we'd need for oil drilling is like a bar of soap laid in a CORNER of a football field and is a "wasteland." Yet they continue to fight us at every turn whenever we even MENTION ANWR. How stupid is this when we need domestic oil so badly? One of those stupid politicians fighting ANY drilling for oil in the United States actually said, "We can't drill our way to oil independence." That is one of the stupidest remarks I've ever heard. Isn't that how we DO it? (

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