Thursday, May 8, 2008

"If You Fail, Do It Again the Same Way"

Many psychiatrists have said, "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." But that seems to be the way the liberals operate. " Air America Radio may have tried and failed to use washed-up comedians like Janeane Garofalo and Al Franken to make liberal talk radio work, but their rule seems to be that if first you don't succeed, flop, flop again. When wacky radical Randi Rhodes resigned over a nasty and profane denunciation of Hillary Clinton, Air America replaced her in afternoon drive time with... Roseanne Barr. And in no time flat Roseanne behaved like Roseanne. On April 28 she suggested leftists should ignite riots at the Democratic convention in Denver. "We should, a bunch of us, go there and repeat the Democratic Convention from Chicago. Like, let's just cause a bunch of trouble!" There's even a leftist group called "Recreate 68" building up the rioting nostalgia." And they want to criticize Rush Limbaugh for talking about his "nightmares" of a riot in Denver. No wonder people who "don't pay attention to politics" are all confused. (Brent Bozell/Media Research)

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