Monday, April 11, 2016

The Pope Likes Bernie

Once again sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong, Pope Francis has invited Bernie Sanders (alone) to visit him in the Vatican. So doing signals to the world that Bernie the socialist is his choice to become President of the United States. It has become painfully obvious that the Pope is in favor of socialism and, since Bernie is the only ADMITTED socialist in the race, he wants to do everything he can to get him elected. Meanwhile, Bernie proposes policy after policy that will enslave Americans if he ever DOES get elected, which is doubtful. I still think there aren't that many STUPID Americans voting to let it happen, even if Hillary is removed from the race. His idea to make college education FREE for all is the most ignorant policy he has announced. He still can't tell you how he plans to pay for it, which is not unexpected, since there IS no way to pay for it, especially since government loans have made it so costly. Bernie, like all socialists, want to take what we have EARNED, and give it to those who HAVEN'T earned anything. That's what socialism IS. (The Blaze)

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