Friday, April 8, 2016

Cops Raid Whistleblower

Remember that guy who took a camera and got Planned Parenthood brass to admit they were MURDERING babies and selling their body parts for profit? Now the feds are more worried about them invading the privacy” of these murderers than they are about the babies being murdered. They raided this guy's home and confiscated all his video evidence, while ignoring evidence pointing to the guilt of the Planned Parenthood perps. That's the move of a totalitatarian government. It's obvious that they're trying to do everything they can to stop this guy from exposing their murderous activities and suppress evidence they are committing infanticide. The evidence they "confiscated" (stole) will probably mysteriously "disappear" and nobody will know how. It's really nice for murderers to have the feds on their side. I've said before that this is OUR “holocaust,” and every day they prove it more conclusively to those listening. The PP was started by a racist woman to kill black babies, and they have killed more BLACK babies than any other. They'll be raiding me next. Just to shut me up. (The Real Strategy)

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