Monday, April 18, 2016

Importing Foreign Workers

Obama keeps saying he's “working hard” to improve the jobs picture. At the same time, he's “working hard” to crap it up while millions are unemployed with many giving up on ever finding another job and being FORCED to go, hat in hand, to the government for enough to barely exist. Now he's not only importing foreign workers, he's forcing the people they are to REPLACE to train them in how to do their job before getting “laid off” with sixty day's notice. Companies are taking full advantage of that, forcing employees to sign pledges never to sue them if they abuse them in order to keep their jobs, even if they DON'T hire the imported foreign workers. This is not America! It's “Soviet Russia” all over again. And most of the “foreign workers” he's importing are Muslims, with many of those being Islamic terrorists, come here to “conquer us,” or KILL US. If we oppose that, Obama calls us bigots. The same argument he uses to force MEN into women's bathrooms. I'm getting sick and tired of this kind of crap. (Michelle Malkin)

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