Wednesday, April 27, 2016

A Violent Crime?

Bill O'Reilly did a segment on the “drug epidemic” in this country. In it, he said selling drugs was a “violent crime,” but one of his gals (Kirsten Powers) disagreed, saying that selling drugs was not a violent crime. She's wrong. She used a simile about somebody selling a gun to a guy who went out and killed a bunch of children, but that's wrong, too. She said selling that gun is a violent crime, but selling drugs is not. Under her logic NEITHER is a “violent crime,” and she's wrong in both cases. Both lead to violence. Thus both ARE violent crimes. In his segment he said everybody probably knew a family that was affected by drugs. I do. MINE. I lost TWO children to drugs. One son died of an overdose. One daughter died because of drugs. Her “drug of choice” was booze. But she abused cocaine, and other drugs, too. Both died at about 35 years of age. My son's body was discovered by his 12-year-old son. My daughter died IN the doctor's office, while waiting for some medication. (Just common sense)

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