Sunday, April 24, 2016

"Negative Numbers" Are BS

A lot is made of the “fact” that Trump has a high “negative number.” Why then, is he winning so many primaries? Primaries that have not yet been usurped by the Republican establishment, that is. Abraham Lincoln had high negatives, but he ended up in the Oval Office. Many other presidents had “high negative numbers,” too. They never talk about the POSITIVE numbers, as if they did not count. Actually, the only “numbers” that count are the numbers of VOTERS who cast their VOTES for a given candidate. And Trump seems to have gotten a majority of those, so far. This does not mean I am a Trump supporter. Nor does it mean I am an ANTI-Trumper. I'm merely reporting the facts. Making such a big thing out of his negative numbers is an effort to stop him from getting votes, by EMPHASIZING those negative numbers. It ain't gonna work. I personally think he will not only get to the convention with the required number of delegates, but he will EXCEED that number. Even if he doesn't, he will win handily on a subsequent vote. (Wall Street Journal)

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